Friday, June 18, 2010

Kirpa Karo Maharaj by Ustad Rashid Khan


Ustad Rashid Khan of Rampur Sahaswan Gharana (musical heritage) sings "Kirpa Karo Maharaj" beseeching Hazrat Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti for his blessings and help. Khan's beautiful voice is filled with the Ras that is so important for the words being sung.

Whilst the voice is a gift, his control, years of training, and the riaz deserves commendation and appreciation from all his listeners. For obvious reasons the Rampur andaaz is close to my heart.

The bansuri (flute) element goes well with the singing, however I wish that jhan jhan of the drums wasn't there as it takes away from the classical style.

see: wikipedia

Hazrat Moinuddin Chishti (also known as Gharib Nawaz) apparently never wrote down his teachings in the form of a book, nor did his immediate disciples, but he laid the foundations of the Chishtī order in the city of Ajmer in North India. His firm faith in Waḥdat al-Wujūd (Unity of Being) provided the necessary ideological support to his holy mission to bring about emotional integration of the people amongst whom he lived.

The central principles that became characteristics of the Chishtī order in India are based on his teachings and practices. They lay stress on renunciation of material goods; strict regime of self-discipline and personal prayer; participation in Samā' as a legitimate means to spiritual transformation; reliance on either cultivation or unsolicited offerings as means of basic subsistence; independence from rulers and the state, including rejection of monetary and land grants; generosity to others, particularly, through sharing of food and wealth, and tolerance and respect for religious differences.

He, in other words, interpreted religion in terms of human service and exhorted his disciples "to develop river-like generosity, sun-like affection and earth-like hospitality." The highest form of devotion, according to him, was "to redress the misery of those in distress -- to fulfill the needs of the helpless and to feed the hungry."

His paternal ancestry

Mu'īnuddīn Chishtī, son of Ghiyāsuddīn, son of Najmuddīn Zāhir, son of ‘Abd al-‘Azīz, son of Ibrāhīm, son of Idrīs, son of Mūsā al-Kāzim, son of Ja’far al-Ṣādiq, son of Imām Muḥammad al-Bāqir, son of Imām Zayn al-‘Ābidīn, son of Imām Ḥusayn, son of ‘Alī ibn Abī Ṭālib.


  1. The deep feeling in his voice is simply beautiful. Sung with such emotion one cannot help but share the singers feelings.
    Would have preferred a tabla instead of the drum kit!
